Founder Testimonials
Until UpSurge, I was forced to go outside Baltimore for … funding, customers and talent. … UpSurge is a long overdue movement that will finally bring the support founders need to start, grow and stay in Baltimore.
Our vision is really to create a world where good software powers things that matter … Baltimore is very much part of our story. Fearless wouldn’t be Fearless had we not been located here.
When investors and entrepreneurs see a critical mass of companies in Maryland and in Baltimore raising significant dollar amounts, they realize this is an ecosystem where they can build, hire great talent and raise the money they want.
Why Baltimore, Maryland? We want to be in the best place to grow, hire, and drive our vision as a company founded to solve the boring data problems that enable data teams to drive world-class operations.
UpSurge in our community has truly been this missing key in bridging brilliant entrepreneurs with the beautiful and robust resources that the city of Baltimore has always had to offer.
UpSurge has been our vital bridge to Baltimore’s tech ecosystem. …Every new relationship formed through UpSurge has impact and purpose, which have caused the growth of our business.
UpSurge has been an incredible network partner and has made my company and I feel welcomed and supported in Baltimore as we navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship!