We’re building the first Equitech city.

A new path for American innovation.

As a thriving tech city, Baltimore will be a model for economic prosperity.

Born in Baltimore, Equitech is a thriving tech ecosystem that unlocks economic potential and opportunity by leveraging the advantages of diverse leadership, equitable standards and practices, and a culture of belonging in tech.

Equitech is being felt today and a vision for future growth.

What will it look like when we get there? A tech hub where diverse entrepreneurs found transformative companies; the tech workforce of the future is growing up in our neighborhoods; prosperity is shared across zip codes; and the technologies reshaping society are born.

Force Multiplier

Regardless of the sector or founder’s background, studies from the likes of Harvard and JP Morgan show that companies with diverse teams, leadership,  boards, and cap tables outperform their peers.

Massive opportunity

Founders with backgrounds that make up 70% of the U.S. population (people of color and women) received less than 4% of funding in 2022. Imagine what happens when we unleash the potential of these innovators.

We're all missing out

Three trillion dollars. That’s JP Morgan’s estimate of what our society loses by not capitalizing on the inventions of underestimated entrepreneurs.

Momentum is building

In Baltimore, 40% of tech founders are women (compared with 20% nationally) and 18% are Black (compared with 2%). That’s only a start; we’re building a fertile ground for diverse entrepreneurship.

We’re different.

We’re building a new kind of tech economy here and across the country.


Collaboration and Connection.

We build bridges across sectors, stakeholders, and tech ecosystems, unlocking the network and financial capital needed for companies to grow.



We want to ensure that every entrepreneur feels the inclusive welcome and robust support of our ecosystem.


Data and Advocacy

We deploy data and storytelling to elevate Baltimore, our tech community, and the Equitech vision.


Cross-sectoral Approach

It takes a lot to scale a startup. Incubators, investors and IP. Research, real estate and resources. Talent and Tuesday night happy hours. We’re bringing it all together to pave the path for founders building in Baltimore.
