Ravens Win!
As a fan, there are not many feelings in the world sweeter than a big win by your hometown team. That love you feel for the city, the people in it, and the thread that ties you all together.
For 2-3 hours, everyone is on the same team and cheering for the exact same thing… a Ravens win.
I watched the Raven’s victory from Chopper’s Sports Grill in Denver, surrounded by Ravens fans in purple, gold, and black, and it felt like M&T Bank Stadium. The chants, the jerseys, the infamous sequin Route One Apparel jacket (shout out to Ali Von Paris). The atmosphere was electric!
The Ravens team chemistry is fun and dynamic, the pieces are clicking into place and the players are healthy and firing on all cylinders at the perfect time. We call that synergy!
Baltimore Tech is beginning to experience that same level of alignment and connectedness, where the stage is set for the sum of our efforts to be greater than the individual parts. From the Governor’s 2024 budget, allocating significant funding to Baltimore Tech, to leaders in our ecosystem organizing to introduce bills, bring communities together, and collaborate to bring our Equitech aspirations from Phase 1 to life by developing a winning strategy for our Tech Hubs Phase 2 proposal. Baltimore Tech, like Lamar Jackosn and the Ravens, is locked in!Let’s capitalize on this momentum and recognize, this type of synergy is hard to find.
Baltimore’s championship window is open. The time to step up and own the moment is now!Keep the energy high this week for the Ravens and Baltimore Tech.
See you Tuesday, January 23rd, at Equitech Tuesday, at Guilford Hall Brewery, from 6-8 pm.
And mark your calendars for Feb. 6. RSVP for a special ET at Baltimore Peninsula where we will host the NoPixAfterDark Podcast LIVE! featuring UpSurge CEO, Kory Bailey, Jeff Cherry from the Novella Center for Entrepreneurship, and Dr. Tammira Lucas, CEO of The Cube Cowork.
See you there!
Kory Bailey
CEO, UpSurge Baltimore
Don’t forget to a picture while you are there and #ThisIsEquitech when you post!