Fact Sheet: Investors


UpSurge Baltimore is building an engine to propel Baltimore into the top tier of US innovation cities. Their work centers on founders, tech-enabled and national-scale businesses, helping to launch, support, grow and celebrate high-impact startups. UpSurge is also developing strategies to attract new companies, talent and capital to Baltimore.

Baltimore's Future

We don’t envision Baltimore as just the next great tech city, but as the country’s first Equitech City.

Our Belief in Equitech

We believe that Equitech is a force multiplier on a tech economy – where diversity is a competitive advantage. It’s the cultural framework for UpSurge, a lens to attract, align and support startups – not a filter to exclude them. Over time, not only will entrepreneurs and investors around the world look to Baltimore as a launching pad for transformational companies, but more Baltimoreans will see the knowledge economy as a pathway for their own upwardly mobile futures.

Access to Capital

Our startups need access to the right investors, for capital, guidance, and networks.

“The VC industry is undergoing a period of transformation and innovation. As the traditional VC model—with heavy concentration in particular demographics and geographies—has been questioned in recent years, we
have seen a concerted effort to look beyond traditional VC hubs and develop new ways to capitalize startups.” – Pitchbook’s 2021 Venture Outlook

As an investor, you play a pivotal role in Baltimore’s startup ecosystem. UpSurge wants to help you make the most of your local investments of both money and time. When a startup ecosystem builds velocity, investors and companies win.

Read the Fact Sheet

How can you help grow the local tech ecosystem?

Read and download the fact sheet.